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Saturated Fats : Good or Bad?
What actually saturated fat is? – that they have no double bonds; raises the level of cholesterol in your blood; and are typically solid at room temperature. Some common sources are fatty beef, lamb, pork, poultry with skin, beef fat (tallow), lard and cream, butter, cheese and other dairy products made from whole or reduced-fat (2 percent) milk, many baked goods and fried foods, Some plant-based oils, such as palm oil, palm kernel oil and coconut oil.

Vitamin D Deficiency & Childhood Obesity
p c: Vitamin D primarily stimulates intestinal calcium and phosphorus absorption, stimulates bone calcium mobilization, and increases renal re-absorption of calcium. Vitamin D must be metabolized to 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 by the liver and subsequently by the kidney to 1,25-di hydroxy vitamin D3 before function. Vitamin D deficiency has now become an epidemic worldwide,

Watch my Interview on Salam Namaste Singapore
Watch my Interview on Salam Namaste Singapore

Nutrition talk to young cricketers September 2017
Nutrition talk to young cricketers September 2017

Talk on mindful eating conducted in Singapore swimming club , Singapore on April, 2017
Talk on mindful eating conducted in Singapore swimming club , Singapore on April, 2017

Nutrition for young budding cricketers June 2017, kolkata
Nutrition for young budding cricketers June 2017, kolkata

Talk on vegan over non vegetarian diet | July ,2017 Singapore
Talk on vegan over non vegetarian diet | July ,2017 Singapore

Talk on Diabetes management and women and kids nutrition in Kolkata- February 2018
A small talk on Diabetes management with women and kids, held in Kolkata

National Golf Academy of India, January 2018, Kolkata
National Golf Academy of India, January 2018, Kolkata

Sports nutrition for cricketers at Calcutta Police club, Jan 2018
Sports nutrition for cricketers at Calcutta Police club, Jan 2018